User's Guide
Transform Copy & Paste
Transform Copy & Paste allows you to copy & paste a game object's position, rotation, and/or scale, using either local or global coordinates. Position, rotation, and scale can be pasted
either all at once or individually.
*NEW:* Transform Copy & Paste commands are now located at the bottom of the Edit menu.
> Watch video.
How to use Transform Copy & Paste:
- Select a single object whose global or local position, rotation, and/or scale you want to copy.
- Click the Edit menu and then click Copy Transform. The selected object's local position, global position, local rotation, global rotation, and local scale will each be copied into a
special "transform clipboard".
- Select one or more objects into which you want to paste any of those copied values.
- Click the Transform menu and then click one of the Paste commands, as detailed here:
- Paste Local Transform: Pastes the copied local position, local rotation, and local scale into all of the selected objects.
- Paste Global Transform: Pastes the copied global position and global rotation into all of the selected objects.
- Paste Local Position: Pastes the copied local position into all of the selected objects.
- Paste Global Position: Pastes the copied global position into all of the selected objects.
- Paste Local Rotation: Pastes the copied local rotation into all of the selected objects.
- Paste Global Rotation: Pastes the copied global rotation into all of the selected objects.
- Paste Local Scale: Pastes the copied local scale into all of the selected objects.
Additional Notes:
- It's okay to select multiple objects before clicking Copy, but only the transform of the active object (the one shown in the inspector) will be copied.
- Copying an object's transform will not erase anything in your operating system's clipboard, nor will it erase anything in the component clipboard described in the next section.
- Because of a limitation with Unity3D, you cannot copy & paste global scale.
Component Copy & Paste
Component Copy & Paste allows you to copy & paste entire components at once. It works with both built-in components and custom scripts. An advanced "Clipboard" window allows you to select
which individual variables will be pasted and even alter the values of those variables before they are pasted.
> Watch video.
How to use Component Copy & Paste (basic):
- Select a single object whose component you want to copy.
- Right-click on the bold name of the desired component in the Inspector and then click Copy. All of the variables for that component will be copied into a special clipboard specific
to that type of component.
- Select an object whose component into which you want to paste copied variables.
- Right-click on the bold name of the desired component in the Inspector and then click Paste. All of the variables copied from the first component will be pasted into this second
How to use the Clipboard window (advanced):
- Click the Window menu and then click Clipboard. The Clipboard window will appear. If you have already copied any components via the above method, you will see those components listed
in the window. Otherwise, you will see an empty window except for short instruction text at the top.
- If you have not already done so, copy a component into the clipboard using steps 1 and 2 of the basic instructions.
- Click the little + button to the right of the name of any component in the Clipboard window to expand that component. You will now see all of the variables and their values copied from
that component.
- On the right side of the window next to every variable is a small check box. Unchecking a box will prevent its variable from being pasted when you select Paste in step 4 of the basic
- The values of most copied variables can be edited directly in the Clipboard window, just as if the variable was shown in the inspector. Of course, editing these values won't change
any components until you paste those edited values into a component.
Additional Notes:
- It's okay to select multiple objects before clicking Copy, but only the component of the active object (the one shown in the inspector) will be copied.
- There is a separate clipboard for each type of component. This means that copying one type of component will never overwrite variables copied from another type of component,
even if the variables have the same name.
- Copying an object's transform will not erase anything in your operating system's clipboard, nor will it erase anything in the transform clipboard described in the previous section.
- If you want to paste a copied component into the same component of multiple selected objects, simply turn on Inspector Batching as explained later.
- Clicking the "Paste New" button will create a new component on the active game object and paste the copied values into that new component.
The Rememberer
The Rememberer solves one of the most annoying aspects of the Unity3D editor, which is that any changes made to an object while the game is being played are forgotten as soon as the game stops.
The Remember solves that by allowing you to "remember" the state of any object while playing and then "applying" the remembered state of those objects after the game is stopped.
> Watch video.
How to use The Rememberer (basic):
- Click the Play button to start playing your game.
- Click the Window menu and then click Rememberer. A window with some instructions and four buttons will appear.
- Select any object in the scene and modify it, such as moving its position or changing a variable of one of its components.
- In the Rememberer window, click the Remember button. The name of the selected object will now be listed in the Rememberer window.
- Repeat steps 3 & 4 for any number of other objects. You will see each object listed in the Rememberer window.
- Stop the game. All of your modified objects will now return to their original states... But the Rememberer window will still list any objects you told it to remember.
- Click the Apply All button. The state of any objects you "remembered" will now be restored.
- Click the Forget All button. All remembered objects will now be forgotten. You should usually click this after applying so that you don't accidentally re-apply some changes
in the future when you didn't mean to.
Advanced usage:
- Double-click an object's name in the Rememberer window to select that object.
- Each object has an Apply button and a Forget button, allowing you to apply or forget changes made to an individual object.
- Click on the little + button to the right of an object to expand your view of that object. Using this expanded view you can apply or forget changes made to individual components
or variables, as well as edit the remembered values of any variables, similar to how variables can be edited using the Clipboard window. The components themselves also have
little + buttons, allowing you to apply, forget, or edit the remembered variables in those components.
Additional Notes:
- If you want to remember only an object's transform, click the Remember Transform button instead. This is easier than remembering an object and then forgetting all of its other
components and variables.
- Selecting multiple objects and clicking Remember will remember the state of all of those objects.
- The remembered state of an object is the object's state as of the time you clicked the Remember button. Any future changes made will be forgotten, unless you again click
the Remember button after making those additional changes.
- Any children of the selected objects will also be automatically remembered. You can see these children by clicking the little + button of the parent. You can individually apply
or forget these children as well.
- Adding components or children to an object is not currently supported by the Rememberer. Such changes will be forgotten.
Usages Finder
The Usages Finder quickly finds all usages of any Unity object, component, prefab, script, or asset by other objects in either the scene or the Assets folder.
*NEW:* Usages Finder commands are now located at the bottom of the Assets menu.
> Watch video.
How to find the objects that "use" a particular object:
- Select the object (in either the scene or the project assets list) whose usages you want to find.
- Click on the "Assets" menu and then click either "Find Usages In Scene" or "Find Usages In Assets":
- In Scene: The Usages Finder will search for all objects and components in the currently-open scene that have a variable that refers to the selected object.
- In Assets: The Usages Finder will search for all objects, components, and assets in the Assets folder that have a variable that refers to the selected object.
- The Usages Finder window will open and it will start searching for usages of the selected object. This process may take a while, especially when searching "In Assets".
Additional Notes:
- When you have selected an object in the scene, you cannot search for assets that use the selected object since it is impossible for an asset to refer to an object in a scene.
- When searching for usages of a prefab in the scene, any prefab instances will be displayed in the Usages Finder window.
- When searching for usages of a GameObject, the Usages Finder will also automatically search for usages of any of its components, children, and children's components.
- You can right-click on a component's bold name in the Inspector and select "Find Usages in Scene" or "Find Usages in Assets" to find usages of that particular component.
- Due to restrictions in Unity, the Usages Finder cannot search inactive game objects.
Component Reorderer
The Component Reorderer is an experimental feature that allows you to change the order in which components are defined on a game object. You may want to do this just for organizational
purposes, but there are also some cases where the order of components matters, such as with image effects.
> Watch video.
WARNING: Use with extreme caution! Reording components is currently in BETA and may not work perfectly or have unexpected side effects. Please make sure to back up the object or prefab
you are modifying in case Unity's "undo" function doesn't work. See the Known Deficiencies section below.
How to reorder components:
- Click the Window menu and then click Component Reorderer. A window with some text and buttons will appear.
- Select the game object (or prefab) whose components you want to reorder.
- Click the Up and Down buttons next to component names to move those components up and down in the order.
- When satisfied with the new order, click the Apply button to make the changes.
- If everything works, the components should now be in the new order. If there were errors, the Component Reorderer will attempt to undo the changes it made.
Additional Notes:
- Click the Revert button to change the order of components back to its original order. Note that once you hit Apply, the order cannot be reverted!
- Some components require other components to be ordered before. In this case, you will get a little error message underneath a component if it requires another component to be
ordered before.
Known Deficiencies:
- Batching does not work when reordering components.
- Some components, such as the Flare Layer, cannot be reordered and may cause errors.
- Any variable references that point to reordered components will be lost.
- Some custom components may lose data when reordering.
- Changes to prefab assets cannot be undone!